About Me

Learn a little more about my tools, skills, and experiences that have led me to where I am today!

My Toolkit

My Tools





Interactive Asset
Production (SVGs, Maps)

User Flows
and Sitemaps

Visual Design and
Design Systems

Wireframing and Prototyping





Optimal Workshop


My Skills/Processes

Competitor Analysis

(edX Certified)

Ideation, Product
Definition, and Strategy


User Research (Interviews, Contextual Inquiry, Card Sorting, Usability Testing)

User and
Service Modeling

My Story

For my detailed work history, please refer to my LinkedIn profile or email me to chat further. Alternatively, keep scrolling for an overview of my personal and professional journey.

Get in Touch

c. 2013

It all started with music…

Music, especially rock, metal, and punk, has always been central to my life. Despite my parents dismissing it as "noise," I appreciate its sonic complexity and themes of rebellion and frustration. In my mid-teens, I began exploring documentaries, interviews, and articles to understand the music's deeper meaning and its impact on listeners, particularly the human connections made in spaces like mosh pits.

This passion kickstarted my design journey. In the depths of my teenage emo phase, I created a blog (designing the website myself) to write about pop-punk anthems and had a side project translating lyrics into t-shirt designs.


and then came palliative care…

My musical ventures initially had me eyeing a commercial graphic design career. However, a volunteering experience at a care home for individuals with dementia shifted my focus. Struggling to communicate verbally with some residents, myself and other volunteers experimented with sketching stories as a mode of connection and, witnessing the power of art to break down barriers, launched the 'Art With Elders' campaign, focused on fostering connections through creativity and storytelling.

This experience sparked an interest in a career in human-centered design.


which became digital health…

With this new interest, I completed a UX-focused degree at the Rhode Island School of Design, addressing issues in areas of health such as sex education, mental health, and stroke recovery through web, mobile, wearable, and VR solutions. I also completed two digital health internships and a Design for America project on dementia.

My undergraduate thesis, which has turned into an ongoing project, focused on multimedia icons as an alternative method of clinical pain communication. Target users include neurodivergent individuals, children, and those with language barriers, empowering them to effectively express their symptoms. Keen to engage with the wider digital health community, I have published and presented this project via the UXPA Magazine and their International Conference, and it has received two International Design Awards.


and now we have research, strategy, and service design…

After graduation, I spent a couple of years working in a UI-focused role at a creative agency, where I am still freelancing on the side. However, as much as I love tinkering in Figma, upon reflection I have realized my interests truly lie in the research, strategy, and service design aspects of UX. Beyond the 9-5, I found that these skills were also present in many of my personal hobbies, such as co-hosting a podcast, co-organizing a young-professionals’ gathering, and creating interactive social media content for both.

2024 and

What’s Next?

Keen to hone my skills in mixed-methods research, product definition, and service design, I recently completed an immersive UX program at General Assembly, where I also had the pleasure of working on a project with Ari, the Pad ATM. Alongside two colleagues, I designed a scalable web-based solution for their partner organizations to monitor menstrual health education and pad distribution data, assess need across Kenya, and share insights across the community.

Moving forward, I am seeking opportunities to contribute my research, strategy, and design skills to products and services that encompass my interests in community-building, accessible and inclusive design, improving quality-of-life, and facilitating conversations.

“Graphic design will save the world right after rock and roll does.”

David Carson